News Archive

25 October 2008 | Everything Actually Functions!
Posted by Jasna Rodulfa

So, I said in my last update that some, if not, all, the pages were working. But turns out that right after I posted that update, I realized I made a few coding mistakes and had to delete all the pages (and then run like a mad woman from the library to Vedder for a meeting). I HATE HAVING NO PHP BECAUSE I HAVE TO FREAKIN' EDIT EVERY SINGLE PAGE TO CHANGE THE NAVIGATION. But yah. Now, everything actually works!!11oneone! It's exciting. Most pages are "Under Construction," but I at least have the Members page up. I got the member list from Hilary's mass emails, and I found the class years on Facebook (aren't I a stalker?). However, I couldn't find some people on Facebook, I think one email even had no name next to it, and I recognized a few people's names and knew that they had not gone to the past meetings. So, hopefully I'll remember to ask for the *real* member list at the meeting today.

Meeting Minutes is also up, containing Hilary's latest update (as of this writing). The Icebreaker World you all created is on the Miscellaneous page. I will better organize this page later, but since there is only one thing there for now, I will leave it as it is.

Current Readings is the last thing that has "content," though I add quotes because there is nothing to read for this week! Yay for easy updates.

The next time I get a chance to update the site, I will certainly code up all the Paradox stories thus far. I've decided to just leave the Solo writings (including Catherine's writings I already started on) for later since the group is most important!

EDIT: I am a very angry idiot because I just realized that I wrote over the writing schedule page, which was already done from before... and... #@$#&$^. I'll fix it later.

22 October 2008 | More Website Work
Posted by Jasna Rodulfa

I have the most creative news titles. Anyway, wow, site was announced already. I've been swamped with work, so I haven't been able to work much on this. I have quickly put up an "Under Construction" page for at least some of the pages, hopefully all of them by tonight... At least the links will lead to something. More progress to come, slowly but surely.

17 October 2008 | Website Work
Posted by Jasna Rodulfa

Yay, this is just for me to feel more accomplished and motivated since almost no one will be looking at it until later. Just finished coding up the Writing Schedule, and I don't really care that it's not validated in XHTML. *resorted to table cells* I'm currently coding up Catherine's Chapter 5 thing, which is taking FOREVER because it is ridiculously long (but interesting). I have tons of other pages to do, but I'll get to them later. Mall time!