
This page contains miscellaneous group writings that are not orange peels or part of Paradox.

Icebreaker World (18 October 2008)

- Landscape: Volcanic archipelago in the far north. Two suns--one is rosy and small, the other is yellow and large. Part of the year is dark, part is light, and the in-between times during which the rosy sun dominates are celebrated with festivals. Hot springs exist as source of water and warmth. Very cold, dry, wintry climate.

- Food and Wildlife: Since farming impossible, these people are hunter-gatherers. They fish for prehistoric sealife; there is sacred relationship with kraken. On land there are white pygmy mammoths (festivals include mammoth shearing, as fur is valuable for clothing), walruses (which are bred for food), caribou (ridden), iridescent ducks, and albatross (which fish off the coast). In hot springs live phosphorescent bacteria, which the people use for light during dark months.

- Society and People: Four tribes with totem animal system. People are humanoid. One tribe (albatross tribe, likely) has wings; migrates to somewhere else during dark winter months, comes back to archipelago during light summer months to molt. Another in far north considered barbarians.

- Religion: Volcano worship. Far north tribe has sacrifices, which alarm other tribes.

- Intertribal Relations and Trade: Fairly peaceful, since tribes tend to keep to themselves. Each tribe has own opinions about other tribes (bird-tribe mysterious, northern tribe barbaric, etc). Intermarriage necessary and not unusual. Bird-people bring back trinkets from migration--highly valued. Mammoth fur also valued. Currency is obsidian (also used for crafting tools, weapons), bone, or shell. - Arts and Culture: Create ice-instruments played by wind, ice sculptures; festivals of suns.